Claim MOC Credits
- On the MOC Accreditation Log in page click “Not a member yet? Register now“.
- Enter registration information (use the same name and e-mail used for your Frontiers conference registration)
- You should receive a on screen message “User registered. Verify your email by clicking on the link sent to your email. (if you do not see your e-mail check the “junk” folder)
- You will be automatically directed back to log in screen
- Log in with your credentials
- Click the top orange bar that says “Proceed to The Course”
- Click “Get Started” to proceed
- Select Ninth Annual Frontiers in Cardiology Quiz
- Complete Quiz
- Click button in bottom right “Quiz Summary” to continue after completing questions.
- Click “Finish” quiz
- If you received below 80% click “view questions” to see incorrect answers.
- Review questions
- Click “Restart Quiz”
- Repeat 11-13 if necessary
- If you have a passing score click “Click Here to Continue”
- You are now back at home screen. You can close browser window. Your passing score has been reported Atlantic Health Continuing Education will contact you regarding your MOC certificate.